Friday, July 27, 2012

12 lessons Steve Jobs taught Guy Kawasaki.

Twelve lessons Guy Kawasaki learnt from Apple's Steve Jobs. These lessons I feel are not only applicable to entreprenuers but are also useful for any employee who constantly want to improve at how they think and function at work. Anyone can think and feel like an entreprenuer no matter an employer or employee. Any work that one do is likely to be involved in dealing with providing goods and services to people. Even an employee working in an organisation is providing service to his employer, his fellow colleagues across various departments and also their customers (even back end support staff who think that dealing with customers is not their job is in fact providing indispensable support to their front end colleagues who deal directly with customers).

Twelve inspiring lessons from one of the World's greatest entreprenuer Steve Jobs that can be applied for everyone who wants to improve at how they think and feel in their work, enjoy!

Summary of the 12 lessons:
1. Experts are clueless. 
2. Customers can't tell you what they need. 
3. Biggest challenges beget the best work. 
4. Design Counts. 
5. Big graphics, big fonts. 
6. Jump curves, not better sameness. 
7. If it works or doesn't work, that's all that matters. 
8. Value is different from price. 
9. A Players hire A Players. 
10. Real CEOs can demo. 
11. Real entrepreneurs ship. 
12. Some things need to be believed to be seen.

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